Agricultural, Environmental, Water Rights & Water Resource Consulting Services

Serving all of New Mexico


Quality consulting and technical service providers.


Agricultural Consulting

Agricultural Consulting Services:

  • Fertility/nutritional analysis included for the following service:

    Pre-plant soil sampling(crop specific recommendation)

  • Irrigation water quality sampling

  • Complete Soil Analysis

    Plant tissue sampling-( Plant Health/ Fertility)

  • SAP and Dry Leaf sampling for production crops including-Onions, Chile, Cotton, Corn, Watermelon, Wheat, Cannabis/Hemp, Pecan/Pistachio

  • Crop specific sampling programs designed to focus on soil fertility for duration of grow season and beyond.

  • Can be planned individually or as bi-weekly program available

  • Analysis reporting with recommendations

  • Salinity management

  • Integrated pest management (IPM)

  • Livestock Hay- Relative Feed Value(RFV) sampling

  • Hop Latent Viroid and Pan Fusarium Testing

  • Domestic:

    Soil quality sampling for personal gardens and raised beds

    Lawn/Grass soil sampling for plant nutrition management

    Irrigation well and domestic well water quality sampling

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Environmental Consulting

Environmental Consulting Services:

  • Permitting and Compliance:

    State and Federal (USDA, EPA, NMED, NMDA, NMOCD, NMRLD, etc)

  • Spill remediation

    hydrocarbons and produced water, Ag wastewater

  • Environmental Management

  • Soil and ground water sampling and analysis for-heavy metals, hydrocarbons, ions, wastewater, etc.

  • Monitoring well installation coordination, drill logging, supervision

  • Health/Food Safety- Microbial swabbing for E.Coli, Salmonella, and Listeria.

  • Site specific Biological inventories

Water Rights & Water Resource Consulting

Water Rights Services:

  • Ground and Surface Water Rights Review/Analysis

  • Change of Ownership, Purpose of use, Place of use, Point of diversion.

  • Water right transaction assistance including Change of Ownership, Change Purpose of use, Change Place of use, Change Point of diversion, and NM standings review

  • GIS/GPS verification, map drafting, ground truth and field description reporting